For Farms and Markets
New Farms: Learn how to sign up to accept vouchers.
Participating Farms: Find resources to support your participation
Sign Up to Accept Farmers Market Nutrition Program Vouchers/Checks
Help members of your community access fresh fruits and vegetables while getting an additional income stream for your farm! Apply today!
Eligible Farms: Farmers are eligible to accept FMNP vouchers/checks if they own or lease farmland within Pennsylvania where they grows eligible produce with a retail value of $1,000 or more for sale in the FMNP calendar year
Eligible Products:
​“Eligible produce” consists only of edible, fresh, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are grown in Pennsylvania.
Any processed product is not eligible under FMNP, even if it was made using PA grown produce. Examples of ineligible farm products include honey, apple cider, apple butter, jams/jellies, baked goods, hot sauce, tomato sauces, etc.
“Eligible produce” does not include citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit or tangerines, nor does it include tropical fruits such as bananas, plantains, pineapple and mangoes as these products cannot be grown in PA
Plants (ex. tomato plants) are not eligible for sale. Only mature fruits and vegetables may be sold under FMNP.
If you source other Pennsylvania farmers' produce for your farm stand, that produce is eligible for sale under FMNP but, produce purchased from wholesalers is not permitted in the FMNP. Produce must be purchased directly from a Pennsylvania farmer.
How It Works
Eligible Farms must submit an application
PA Dept. of Agriculture will conduct a compliance visit to ensure your farm/market is eligible to participate.
Upon acceptance, you will be provided with a paper sign you must hang up at your farm stand/market that notes you are a participating farm
​You can now accept Famers Market Checks/Vouchers at your stand between June 1-November 30!
See below for more details about accepting checks and resources for participating farms!
For Participating Farms and Markets

Participation Posters
Poster that can be printed out and hung up outside of your stand to indicate to customers that you accept FMNP vouchers.

Eligible Produce List
This document includes a partial list of the FMNP eligible produce that customers can use their vouchers to purchase.

FAQ Sheet
This document includes frequently asked questions by both you, the farmer, and voucher users, as well as an example of a FMNP check.